Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Countdown To The Conference 2010

It's about to get-digi, with the 24th Annual NAMIC Conference less that 24 hours away! The New York Hilton is already a-buzz with conferees arriving from all over the country, to register and take full advantage of what NAMIC has to offer. Our offices are located on the 4th Floor, so stop by to say hello to the staff and post a blog in the media center.

The MOTOROLA sponsored blog team is ready to rock-and-roll, as NAMIC celebrates 30 years of diversity in the communications industry!

So what's the rundown? Well, just pull up your Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for the full schedule of panels, workshops, luncheons and events! Who needs papers, when you've got wireless access? Click here

to see the entire Conference guide, with you wherever you go.

September 14th - Highlights:

Tuesday kicks of at the crack-of-dawn, when CableFAX Daily honors the top minority leaders in the industry at our breakfast. Then, head over to the Opening General Session to hear the keynote speech of FCC Commissioner, The Honorable Mignon Clyburn, sponsored by WEtv. Don't miss Eric Liu, author and former Clinton Speech Writer as he lays down the law at the L. Patrick Mellon Mentorship Luncheon. The Career Expo kicks-off at 2 p.m., along with HOT TOPIC panels, and at 4:15, head straight to the red carpet for NAMIC's annual Excellence in Multi-Cultural Marketing Awards (EMMA) Ceremony, where the top marketers across the cable industry are recognized for their stellar work! Finally, you won't want to miss the 30th Anniversary Opening reception from 6-8 p.m. Don't hesitate, let's celebrate with a toast to success and hope for the future!

Our bloggers will be all over the place, so be ready to answer the question:
"What Does Diversity Mean to You?"

And we're looking for special soundbites to post on DiversityLive, which reflect important NAMIC "Member Moments", where you share personal experiences on how NAMIC affiliation has boosted your career goals and helped make you a better, more informed media professional.


See you soon,

Around Town with Fred Brown

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