I arrived to the workshop early since I didn’t want to miss a thing and I couldn’t wait to see Dr. Robyn Denise Johnson again. The last time I saw her was at my Leadership Seminar in NY in Spring 2007. I still use her leadership training materials from that course!
Once everyone arrived, we opened with participant introductions called “the check-in,” where by everyone updates classmates on the great things that have happened in our lives since our
last meeting.
After intros, we moved into a fabulous lunch and then dived right into our topic on ethics. Dr. Robyn took us on a ride that forced us to think about our own ethical and moral scripts that play as we make our daily business (and personal) decisions. What really moved the crowd was the simulation execise: “Where Do You Draw The Line.” Things got hot and we learned so much, about each other, about ourselves.
Thank you NAMIC for continuing to support people of color in this industry by offering training programs like this.
I loved the diverse conversation, diverse perspectives, diversity of thought. You know what? Diversity Rules!
Carla Moore, HBO
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