Up-And-Coming Scribes Score with New Addition to the NAMIC Conference!
NAMIC will hold its first-ever Television Writers’ Workshop today! Only a chosen few of the most talented and brightest up-and-coming writers will have the opportunity to attend. Let me break it down for you… a judging panel of television executives, selected by NAMIC, chose 15 writers to participate in today’s private session based on review of their previously written works. Score! The daylong workshop is designed to give experienced writers of color the opportunity to hone their craft. Led by Kermit Frazier, noted television writer, playwright, and producer, participants will learn the essentials of creating, packaging, and selling a television script. It is truly a progressive educational event. I’m sure the lucky ones will agree… the newest addition to the NAMIC conference lineup will be a huge success!!
-NAMIC Maven
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